Important Dates
Manuscripts Due:
September 15, 2024
Submissions for Special Sessions:
September 15, 2024
Acceptance Notification:
December 21, 2024
Camera-Ready Submission:
January 15, 2025
Home > Submission

SNIPDS 2025 is soliciting the original and high-quality submissions in terms of research novelty, technical excellence, or unique applications in the real world. The paper submission and review process is being conducted in a manner.

(1) Authors who wish to participate in the conference will create documents consisting of a complete description of their ideas and applicable research results in a maximum of 11 pages for technical content including figures and possible references, and with one additional optional 12nd page containing only references.
(2) Submit the paper and copyright form electronically. This paper submission must be submitted in final, publishable form before the submission deadline.
(3) Check the SNIPDS 2025 website for the status of your paper.
(4) Paper submissions will be reviewed by experts selected by the conference committee for their demonstrated knowledge of particular topics. The progress and results of the review process will be notified by email.
(5) If your paper is accepted, it will be assigned to either a lecture or a poster session by the program committee.
(6) All papers accepted to SNIPDS 2025 will be published within 60 days after the conference has been held.

  1. The review process is being conducted entirely online. To make the review process easy for the reviewers, and to assure that the paper submissions will be readable through the online review system, we ask that authors submit paper documents that are formatted according to the paper tamplates below.

It is encouraged to include discussions on how your contributions are related to prior work in the field. It is important to put new work in context, to give credit to foundational work, and to provide details associated with the previous work that has appeared in the literature. It is not required that the discussion of relation to prior work be in a separate section, but the discussion must appear in the paper.


Papers may be no longer than 12 pages, including all text, figures, and references, and the 12nd page may contain only references.

Papers must be submitted by the deadline. There will be no exceptions.

Accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors. One of the authors MUST register for the conference at one of the non-student rates offered, and MUST register before the deadline given for author registration. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of your paper from the conference proceedings and program. A single registration may cover up to two (2) papers.

SNIPDS 2025 requires that each accepted paper be presented by one of the authors at the conference according to the schedule published. Any paper accepted into the technical program, but not presented will be withdrawn from the official proceedings.

Document Formatting

Use the following guidelines when preparing your document:

LENGTH: You are allowed a total of 12 pages for your document. Up to 11 pages may contain technical content, figures, and references, while the 12nd page may contain only references. This is the maximum number of pages that will be accepted, including all figures, tables, and references. Any documents that exceed the 12 page limit or have a 12nd page containing anything other than references, will be rejected.

LANGUAGE: All proposals must be in English.

MARGINS: Documents should be formatted for standard letter-size (8-1/2" by 11" or 216mm by 279mm) paper. Any text or other material outside the margins specified below will not be accepted:

(1) All text and figures must be contained in a 178 mm x 229 mm (7 inch x 9 inch) image area.
(2) The left margin must be 19 mm (0.75 inch).
(3) The top margin must be 25 mm (1.0 inch), except for the title page where it must be 35 mm (1.375 inches).
(4) Text should appear in two columns, each 86 mm (3.39 inch) wide with 6 mm (0.24 inch) space between columns.
(5) On the first page, the top 50 mm (2") of both columns is reserved for the title, author(s), and affiliation(s). These items should be centered across both columns, starting at 35 mm (1.375 inches) from the top of the page.
(6) The paper abstract should appear at the top of the left-hand column of text, about 12 mm (0.5") below the title area and no more than 80 mm (3.125") in length. Leave 12 mm (0.5") of space between the end of the abstract and the beginning of the main text.

Face: To achieve the best viewing experience for the review process and conference proceedings, we strongly encourage authors to use Times-Roman or Computer Modern fonts. If a font face is used that is not recognized by the submission system, your proposal will not be reproduced correctly.

Size: Use a font size that is no smaller than 9 points throughout the paper, including figure captions. In 9-point type font, capital letters are 2 mm high. For 9-point type font, there should be no more than 3.2 lines/cm (8 lines/inch) vertically. This is a minimum spacing; 2.75 lines/cm (7 lines/inch) will make the proposal much more readable. Larger type sizes require correspondingly larger vertical spacing.

TITLE: The paper title must appear in boldface letters and should be in ALL CAPITALS. Do not use LaTeX math notation ($x_y$) in the title; the title must be representable in the Unicode character set. Also try to avoid uncommon acronyms in the title.

AUTHOR LIST: The authors' name(s) and affiliation(s) appear below the title in capital and lower case letters. SNIPDS 2025 does perform DOUBLE BLIND REVIEWS, so be sure NOT TO INCLUDE the author list in your submitted paper.

ABSTRACT: Each paper should contain an abstract of approximately 100 to 150 words that appears at the beginning of the document. Use the same text that is submitted electronically along with the author contact information.

KEYWORDS: Enter up to 5 keywords separated by commas.

BODY: Major headings appear in boldface CAPITAL letters, centered in the column. Subheadings appear in capital and lower case, either underlined or in boldface. They start at the left margin of the column on a separate line. Sub-subheadings are discouraged, but if they must be used, they should appear in capital and lower case, and start at the left margin on a separate line. They may be underlined or in italics.

REFERENCES: List and number all bibliographical references at the end of the paper. The references can be numbered in alphabetic order or in order of appearance in the document. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in square brackets as shown at the end of this sentence. An additional final page (the 12nd page, in most cases) is allowed, but must contain only references to the prior literature. The end of the document should include a list of references containing information.

ILLUSTRATIONS & COLOR: Illustrations must appear within the designated margins. They may span the two columns. If possible, position illustrations at the top of columns, rather than in the middle or at the bottom. Caption and number every illustration. All halftone illustrations must be clear in black and white. Since the printed proceedings will be produced in black and white, be sure that your images are acceptable when printed in black and white (the electronic, conference-distributed proceedings).

PAGE NUMBERS: Do not put page numbers on your document. Appropriate page numbers will be added to accepted papers when the conference proceedings are assembled.


The following style files and templates are available for users of LaTeX and Microsoft Word:

Word file template

LaTeX file template

We recommend that you use the Word file or LaTeX files to produce your document, since they have been set up to meet the formatting guidelines listed above. When using these files, double-check the paper size in your page setup to make sure you are using the letter-size paper layout (8.5" X 11") or A4 paper layout (210mm X 297mm). The LaTeX environment files specify suitable margins, page layout, text, and a bibliography style.

In particular, with LaTeX, there are cases where the top-margin of the resulting Postscript or PDF file does not meet the specified parameters. In this case, you may need to add a \topmargin=0mm command just after the \begin{document} command in your .tex file. The spacing of the top margin is not critical, as the page contents will be adjusted on the proceedings. The critical dimensions are the actual width and height of the page content.

Electronic Paper Submission

When you have your document file ready, gather the following information before entering the submission system:

(1) Document file in PDF or Word format
(2) Affiliation, email address, and mailing address for each author
(3) Paper title
(4) Text file containing paper abstract text, in ASCII text format
To submit your document and author information by the electronic paper submission link.

The submission system will present an entry form to allow you to enter the paper title, abstract text, review category, and author contact information.

ALL authors must be entered in the online form, and must appear in the online form in the same order in which the authors appear on the accepted PDF.

After you submit this information, the system will display a page with the data that you entered so that you may verify its accuracy. If you need to change the data to fix a mistake, you may use the back button on your browser to return to the information entry form. Once you approve of the data that you have entered, you may choose your document file for upload at the bottom of the verification page. When you click on the button labeled 'Continue' at the bottom of this page, the page will check the filename extension to make sure it matches the submission criteria, then your browser will upload your file to our server. Depending on the size of your file and your internet connection speed, this upload may take a few minutes. At the end of a successful upload, you will see a confirmation page displaying the paper number that is assigned to you, and and email message will be sent to the corresponding authors' email addresses to confirm that the file has been uploaded. If you do not see the confirmation page after uploading your file, we may not have successfully received your file upload. If you encounter trouble, contact the paper submission support at

Peer Review Process

All papers will be double blind reviewed by 2-3 reviewers in related fields and acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, elegance, practical or theoretic impact, and presentation.

Full Papers are evaluated against the following criteria:

(1) Original: the paper explores a new idea, project or issue; discusses existing research with promise of new insight, discusses new research; or presents new ways of considering existing information.

(2) Engaging: presentation format will involve the audience in some way, or has high potential to attract conference attendees by addressing needs of the community.

(3) Significant: the paper raises and discusses issues important to improving the effectiveness and/or sustainability of open education efforts, and its contents can be broadly disseminated and understood.

(4) Quality: claims are supported by sufficient data; claims draw upon relevant literature; and limitations are described honestly.

(5) Clear: the intended outcomes of the paper are easily understood.

(6) Relevant: the paper addresses one or more of the themes of the conference.

Notification of Acceptance

Authors will be notified of paper acceptance or non-acceptance by email as close as possible to the published author notification date. The email notification will include the presentation format chosen for your paper (lecture or poster) and may also include the presentation date and time, if available.

The notification email will include comments from the reviewers. The conference cannot guarantee that all of the reviewers will provide the level of comment desired by you. However, reviewers are encouraged to submit as detailed comments as possible.